Refocus for the Holidays

I packed up the Thanksgiving box, but it’s still sitting in the dining room.

We bought a Christmas tree, but it still stands empty.

We’ve started our Advent activities, but just now made the wreath and lit the first candle.

I have dishes in the sink, laundry in the dryer and I haven’t posted anything all week. What’s going on? The littles are cranky, my oldest is fighting a sickness, finals and final projects are due next week. Maybe everyone is just worn out.

Time to refocus. Time to revisit “Ten by 10:00”

TEN by 10 (2)


Ah ha! I realized what my first problem is. I’ve been staying up late trying to get things done, so I sleep later in the morning and it throws my entire day off. I end up being tired all day and not getting much done.

My second problem is that I haven’t been following my Ten by 10:00.(Because I’ve been sleeping late) I haven’t been planning my days, I’ve just been trying to get random things done…which doesn’t work for me. I need a plan. I’m a procrastinator, so sticking to this plan really helps me stay focus.

For tomorrow- wake up on time! Get some good fluids going! Make a plan for the day! Start with my “Ten by 10:00”!

I guess that means I better get to bed.

Good night!

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