Tag Archives: natural

Flu Shot Alternative

It’s that time of the year when doctors and the news channels are all pushing flu shots. They say this is going to be the worst year ever. Everyone should get a flu shot.

I have never gotten a flu shot, no one in my household has ever gotten a flu shot and I don’t remember anyone ever getting the flu. I personally have had the flu two times that I can remember. Once in my late teens and again in my adulthood but I don’t remember when, it’s been a while.


My cold/allergy/flu preventative is my  Super Healthy Tea. Along with some basic healthy living, we are able to build our immune system to stand up against colds, allergies and even the flu. As soon as I start hearing adds for flu shots, I start adding more of this:

Drink plenty of fluids. Water, warm tea, chicken soup and OJ with a little ACV.

Get plenty of rest. 7-8 hours a night is suggested for adults.

A healthy diet. Eating a good variety of mostly raw and real foods with limited processed foods, sugars and very limited fast food if at all.

Exercise. It can be a daily walk, bike ride, tennis…whatever gets us moving and gets our heart rate up a little.

Here are some other natural immune booster remedies I’ve come across:

Simple Homemade- 6 easy ways to boost your immune system this fall

Modern Survival Blog- Natural Remedies to Boost Immune System

The Sprouting Seed- 12 Ways to Boost Your Immune System

Stay warm and stay healthy!

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RAW, real, soaked, fermented and sprouted

So many terms to know just to eat healthy. I looked at a few brief definitions in this previous post. Now I’m digging a little deeper so I actually know what I’m doing and why.
What is raw Food? When meat is not cooked or processed, it’s raw. This goes for all foods, if it’s not cooked or processed, it’s raw.*

This group includes:



Actually, it can either be “whole” (in it’s natural state) or cooked “a little”. Food cooked above about 100* starts to break down and looses some of it’s nutritional value. This is no longer considered raw or living. Foods can be warmed and heated up to 100* and still be considered raw.

Raw is similar to living foods except that with living foods all seeds, nuts, legumes and grains must be sprouted to activate the dormant enzymes. These terms are sometimes used interchangeably, but not accurately. More on this later.

There are many different numbers for a percentage of raw food that must be consumed for a diet to be considered a “raw diet”. The numbers are anywhere from 75%-100%. Their are several variations of these diets. Raw Vegans (also called purely raw) only eat raw plant products. Raw Vegetarians eat raw plant products and animal products excluding the animal itself, and the list goes on…

So, raw food can be whole (in their natural state), low cooked  and unprocessed whole foods including meats and dairy, and can be sprouted.

I hope your found that informative. Next time, “REAL” foods.

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What’s The Cents of Laundry Soap?

Is it worth the work to be chemical free and save money by doing it yourself? Below are the approximate prices of what it cost me to buy supplies and cost per load. Prices will vary by location.

CWSoapsFels Naptha 1 bar= $.97

Borax 76 oz= $3.38.  $,36/cup

Washing Soda 55 oz= $3.24.  $.47/cup

Powder: $8.64 for 1 gallon that does 64 loads.  1/4 cup per load. Costs $.14 per load

3 bars of soap ($2.91), 1  55 oz. box Washing Soda ($3.24), 7 cups Borax ($2.49) = 16 cups.

Powder is easier and faster to make, but it may clump in the wash or leave a soapy residue. (I’ve never had this happen.)

To make the powder involves measuring, grating, grinding and stirring.

Liquid: $1.80 for 5 Gallons that does 160 loads. 1/2 cup per load.  Costs $.01 per load

1 bar of soap (1 Cup), 1 cup Washing Soda, 1 Cup Borax, 5 gallons hot water.

Liquid is a lot cheaper! It is a bit more work and time consuming, but it also lasts almost 2-3 times longer.

To make this involves measuring, grating, boiling water, mixing, more hot water and more mixing.

I hope this makes “cents”. 🙂

Make it or buy it HERE.

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Making Laundry Soap Powder

All natural, chemical free laundry soap is cheap and easy to make. The basic recipe contains Washing Soda and a pure soap. Other “basic” recipes might include Borax and essential oils. They aren’t necessary, but boost the power of the soap and add scents. From there, there are many levels of ingredients to add.

This recipe makes 1 gallon for 64 loads.

You’ll need:

2013-10-03 13.34.38

3 bars pure soap (Fels-Naptha, Zote, Ivory, Castile…)

1 box Borax

1 box Washing Soda

Essential Oil of Choice (40 drops) (I use Lemon with either Lavender or Orange)

Bowl, Knife, Grater, Grinder/Food processor (I use small coffee grinder because that’s what I have), Measuring cup.

How to:

Pour 1 box each of Washing Soda and Borax in the bowl.

Cut the soap into small pieces to grate and put into the grinder/processor. I used to only grate the soap, but it kept separating from the powder. Now I put it in the food processor to make it a powder and it stays mixed.

Use about 1/3 of the bar at a time for a small grinder. Add about 1-2 Tbs of the powder mix to the soap before grinding to keep it from clumping.

Before pouring it back into the bowl, add a few drops of essential oil per each of the batches for a total of 40 drops.

Pour back into the bowl. Repeat with the rest of the soap.

All the powdered soap should be gently stirred in with the rest of the powder mix. *You might want to cover your mouth and nose with something as the powder with be in the air.

*You might have an invisible layer of soap powder on your arms and hands when you’re done. Don’t forget to wash up. No need for soap 🙂

Pour into a container with a lid.

How to use:

Add 2 Tbs (1/4 Cup) (I add it to the water before adding my clothes)


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I’ve been cleaning my floors with vinegar for years. A little vinegar in a bucket of hot water is amazing.
I’ve heard vinegar can be used for many other things, including glass cleaner. So the last time I ran out of glass cleaner, I decided to just use vinegar and water…and wallah! It works.
So what else does vinegar do?

Vinegar is a degreaser, deodorizer and a disinfectant.

Vinegar mixed with a few other ingredients can do all this and more!
Mop floors
Deodorize carpets
Clean glass
Remove mold, mildew, rust and soap scum on all kinds of items.
Fabric softener
Repellent insects, including termites!

Here are “1001 Uses For Distilled White Vinegar” from Vinegartips.com